Category Archives: Help

Page Format Dialogue

Page Format Dialogue

Activity Group Detail Page Format Dialogue


The Activity Group Detail page format dialogue allows you to format and configure the Activity Group Detail view to display the content you want to show.

The controls are logically grouped together into various tabs.

The Activity Group detail page format dialogue sets the formatting for all pages across ALL Activity Groups. You cannot format the display of the Activity Group Detail view for each individual Activity Group.


Header Categories Tab

Timescale Rows Tab

Working Week Tab

Gridlines Tab

Display Mode Tab

Timeline Fonts Tab

Columns Tab

Description Font Tab

Column Fonts Tab

Date Format Tab

Activity Group Detail

Activity Group Detail

Activity Group Detail


The Activity Group Detail view allows you to drill into the detail behind each of the Activity Groups in you project. You can navigate between different Activity Groups using either the “Go To �” dropdown or using the “Next” or “Prev” buttons.


There are three sections in the Activity Group Detail view:

Activity Group Detail Header Section

The header section allows you to detail what you are trying to achieve within the Activity Group and any specific challenges that you might meet whilst tackling these objectives.

You can add text in any, all, or none of the following sections:

  • Objectives;
  • Key Questions;
  • Deliverables;
  • Success Metrics;
  • Budget;
  • Comments

Budget and Comments are not on by default – they can be selected using the Page Body format dialogue

The height of the header section can be adjusted by dragging the dividing line between the header section and the rest of the page up and down.


Add Bullets

To add text just click in the required section and hit return to add a new bullet


Re-order Bullets

Bullets can be moved up and down using the sorting toolbar arrows or from the Page Layout menu (Shortcuts are also available)


Format Bullets

Each of the bullets can be formatted using the formatting toolbar or the Format Bullet Text dialogue to change:

  • Font type
  • Font style (bold, italics, underline)
  • Font colour
  • Indent level of the bullet


Progress Balls

Progress against each of the bullets can be indicated by switching on the Progress Balls and clicking on each ball to cycle through the 5 states from empty to full. Progress balls are not on by default – they can be selected using the Page Body format dialogue


Activity Group Detail Timeline Section

Activity Group Event Table Section

Page Format Dialogue

Page Format Dialogue

Activity Group Summary Page Format Dialogue


The Activity Group Summary page format dialogue allows you to format and configure the Activity Group Summary view to display the content you want to show.

The controls are logically grouped together into various tabs.


Columns Tab

Column Font Tab

Activity Group Summary

Activity Group Summary

Activity Group Summary


This view provides a summary table of information about the Activity Groups.

In addition to the Activity Groups that you have added to your project, there is also a "Key Meetings and Milestones" Activity Group that runs for the duration of the project (from the start of the first Activity Group to the end of the last Activity Group) and contains all the Meetings and Milestones in the Key Meetings or Key Milestones sections of the Timeline.


Up to twelve* categories of information about each Activity Group can be selected for display in the table:

  • Activity Group;
  • Objectives;
  • Key Questions (i.e. questions or issues the project needs to address);
  • Deliverables;
  • Success Metrics;
  • Budget;
  • Comments;
  • Responsibility;
  • Status (e.g. Not Started, In Progress, Completed);
  • Percentage Complete;
  • Performance (traffic light icons);
  • Activity Group Start Date;
  • Activity Group End Date

Budget, Comments, Responsibility, Percentage Complete, Performance, Activity Group Start Date and Activity Group End Date are not on by default – they can be selected using the Page Body format dialogue (* while all 12 categories can be displayed, the table may get crowded and it is generally better to select a smaller set of categories to suit the needs you have at the time).

The colours in the left hand column default to dark blue for all Activity Groups, but can be made to match the Activity Group colours on the timeline through using Page Body format dialogue


Adding Activity Groups

There are a number of ways of adding new Activity Groups into the Activity Group Summary table:

  • Dragging and dropping the Activity Group icon from the Toolbox section into the table
  • Using Tab to move from the last row in the table
  • The menu (Insert > Activity Group)
  • Clicking in the white space below the table


Ordering the Activity Groups

The order of the Activity Groups in the table can be arranged in a number of ways:

  • Sorted by a particular column (either A-Z or Z-A);
  • Sorted as they appear on the timeline);
  • Arranged in a custom (user-defined) order;

To sort by a particular order either click on the header of the column you wish to sort by or use the Sort dialogue (from menu: Page Layout > Sort > Sort Dialogue). When the table has been sorted in this way, adjacent rows with the same value in the sorted column are all coloured the same (white or grey) and the text is merged across those table cells.

In addition the Activity Groups can be sorted in the order that they appear in the Timeline (each row from top to bottom then from left to right) by clicking on the Activity Group column header until the "By Timeline" icon appears.

To arrange in your own custom order, individual rows can be moved up and down using:

  • The toolbar buttons;
  • The menu (Page Layout > Move > …) OR

  • Keyboard shortcuts:
    • Ctrl+J for Move Up;
    • Ctrl+K for Move Down;
    • Ctrl+SHIFT+J for Move To Top OR
    • Ctrl+SHIFT+K for Move To Bottom

Note: you can also select multiple rows and move them together.

Once you have arranged the rows in the order you would like this order can be saved using the Save Order button at the top of the table.The Restore Order button will allow you to recover the last saved order.


Adding and Editing Text

  • To add or edit text to the table, simply click in the desired area and type.
  • Bullets can be copied individually or, all the bullets in a cell can be copied using Copy All from the main or right click menus


Display settings

Individual rows in the view can be hidden using the right-click menu (or from the toolbar) so that you can choose what to share with others.


Page Format Dialogue

Page Format Dialogue

Timeline Dialogue


The Timeline page format dialogue allows you to format and configure the Timeline view to display the content you want to show in this view.

The controls are logically grouped together into various tabs.


Date Range Tab

Timescale Rows Tab

Working Week Tab

Gridlines Tab

Display Mode Tab

Display of Key Meetings and Key Milestones Tab

Activity Group Rows Tab

Interlaced Mode Format Tab

Meeting and Milestone Format


Legend Tab

Review Mode

Review Mode

Timeline (Review Mode)


The Timeline Review mode allows you to look at your current Timeline relative to a "Baseline Timeline" that you set earlier in the project (i.e. you can look at where you are versus where you said you would be).


To get into Timeline Review mode, you can use the menu Reporting > Timeline Review mode OR using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + R. This will toggle between switching the Review mode on and off. On moving into Review mode you will see the baseline arrow behind each of the Activity Group arrows.

Although the Timeline does not allow the overlapping of Activity Group arrows, baseline Activity Group arrows are allowed to overlap with other basline arrows as well as with the "front" arrows of other Activity Groups.

On the first time you move into Review mode, you will be asked to set the baseline dates for the Activity Groups and Milestones your project.

As you would expect, in Review mode, if you move an Activity Group or a Milestone only the front arrow will move – the baseline arrow will remain in its original position.


The Timeline has two main modes of display "Standard" and "Interlaced". "Review" mode can be seen in conjunction with both standard mode and interlaced mode (except interlaced with textbox content). The text below specifically applies to the Review mode.

Click here for more information about Timeline Standard mode

Click here for more information about Timeline Interlaced mode

Click here for information on how to customise the colours on your timeline using the Customise Colours tab in the Tools Options menu.


Setting the Baseline Dates of Activity Groups and Milestones

Once you have developed your initial plan and had it approved, you will probably want to fix the plan so that you track any changes. This is done using the Reporting menu, Reporting > Set Baseline Dates > All items OR Items with no baseline set.

This process will save the current start and end dates of each of the Activity Groups, as well as the due date for each Milestone to be the baseline dates for each of these items.

If you set the baseline dates a second (or subsequent) time, any already existing information in the baseline dates will be overwritten by the current dates for each Activity Group and Milestone.


For information on the following functionality of the Timeline (Review mode) please see the detailed description of the Timeline (Standard mode).

  • Changing the Time Range of the Timeline view
  • Adding Activity Groups, Meetings and Milestones
  • Changing the Dates of Activity Groups, Meetings and Milestones
  • Editing Other Details of Activity Groups, Meetings and Milestones
  • Adding and Deleting Rows for Activity Groups


Other Settings

There are many other settings that control the content, appearance and constraints of the Timeline view. These can be accessed through the Page Body Format dialogue, or for colour customisation, through the Tools Options menu.