The Contact List page format dialogue allows you to format and configure the Contact List view to display the content you want to show.
The controls are logically grouped together into various tabs.
The Contacts List view displays a section of the contact information of each Contact in the file in a tabular form. The Columns tab allows you to select the information that gets displayed. Simply tick the check box to select (or de-select) columns that you would like to display in the Contact List view.
Note: the information in columns that are not displayed is still stored in Swiftlight and can be viewed by either by selecting the relevant column for display or by double clicking on a contact which opens up all the detail for that contact.
The Columns tab allows you to select which of the above categories of information are displayed. Simply click the tick box to select or de-select each category of information.
Notes: The Name column has to be displayed. The order in which the columns get displayed can be changed by clicking on the column header in the view and dragging it left or right. When you do this, you will see that the order of the columns in the dialogue changes. You cannot change the order of columns from within the dialogue.
The Column Font tab allows you to set the font, font style and font size for the all of the columns in the Contact List.