


General Shortcuts

Ctrl + B = Bold
Ctrl + C = Copy
Ctrl + D = Delete
Ctrl + F = Find
Ctrl + H = Replace
Ctrl + I = Italics
Ctrl + M = Open Page Body Dialogue
Ctrl + N = New File
Ctrl + O = Open File
Ctrl + P = Print
Ctrl + Q = Exit
Ctrl + R = Timeline Review Mode (on / off)
Ctrl + S = Save File
Ctrl + T = Open Format Text Dialogue
Ctrl + U = Underline
Ctrl + V = Paste
Ctrl + X = Cut
Ctrl + Y = Re-do
Ctrl + Z = Undo


Moving / Ordering Lists

Ctrl + J = Move Up
Ctrl + Shift + J = Move to Top
Ctrl + K = Move Down
Ctrl + Shift + K = Move to Bottom


Navigation Shortcuts

Ctrl + 1 = Go to Objectives & Scope View
Ctrl + 2 = Go to Timeline View (in Standard Mode)
Ctrl + 3 = Go Activity Group Summary
Ctrl + 4 = Go to Activity Group Detail
Ctrl + 5 = Go to Action List
Ctrl + 6 = Go to Action List over Time
Ctrl + 7 = Go to Contacts List
Ctrl + 8 = Go to Issues Log

Tab = Move to next cell
Shift + Tab = Move to previous cell
Enter = Hard return (new bullet) / Commit
Shift + Enter = Soft return (new line in same bullet)
Ctrl + Right arrow = Indent
Ctrl + Left arrow = Outdent
Esc = Cancel (in dialogues)


Action List / Activity Group Detail / Action List Over Time

Ctrl + Enter = Marks an item as "Completed" and crosses it out


Action List Over Time

Ctrl + Left arrow = Move one page to the left
Ctrl + Right arrow= Move one page to the right
Page Up = Move one page up
Page Down = Move one page down